Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Returns to Service Following Generator Issue

Following a little more than 48-hours off-line, the Cook Nuclear Plant’s Unit 2 successfully returned to service early this morning, remedying an issue with steam generator water levels.

Cook Plant officials say that following an incident shortly after midnight on Monday, October 12th — 12:26am to be specific — the nuclear plant’s Unit 2 tripped automatically due to lowering water levels in one of its four steam generators. Preliminary evaluation at that time indicated that all plant systems functioned normally following the reactor trip and the unit remained safely shut down while the investigation got underway.

The issue with the steam generator water level was corrected early today and the unit was safely returned to service this morning, Wednesday, October 14th at 3:35am.

Meanwhile, Cook’s Unit 1 remains off-line for its scheduled fall refueling outage which has been underway for a couple of weeks now.

Source: Moody on the Market
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